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Title: Marketing Strategies and Prognoses of Development of the Renewable Energy Market in Ukraine
Authors: Kucher, Oleg
Hutsol, Taras
Zavalniuk, Kateryna
Pantsyr, Yurii
Harasymchuk, Ihor
Mudryk, Krzysztof
Jewiarz, Marcin
Гуцол, Тарас Дмитрович
Кучер, Олег
Issue Date: 2017
Publisher: Traicon S.C
Keywords: renewable energy sources;marketing strategies;electric;biological fuel
Abstract: Recently, unconventional and renewable energy sources have become one of the most important criteria of energy security in the world. in the past, unclaimed ways of getting energy are actual now. Efficient energy conservation can not be imagined without the use of alternative energy sources. the use of renewable energy significantly improves the security of energy supply, improves the social and economic situation. In Ukraine, the main types of energy resources are coal, oil, gas, atomic and water energy. Recently, the search for alternative, environmentally safety energy sources have been actively pursued. Partial replacement of traditional types of fuel to biological fuel improves energy security of the country. in addition, it contributes to Ukraine's compliance with the emission reduction requirements of the Kyoto Protocol to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. it also provides an opportunity to obtain a guaranteed market for agricultural raw materials. Using the strategy of deep penetration into the market enables to produce and sell more energy to consumers from already existing renewable sources in the developed markets and to increase sales volumes, market share and profits. the market development strategy implies an increase in sales due to the exit of enterprises into a new market with available goods. it encourages the use of hydro energy resources for small rivers, which in Ukraine is about 63 thousand. the result of the product development strategy is the development of bioenergy, that is, the production of electric or thermal energy from new types of raw materials. to ensure the development of renewable energy, diversification of energy supply sources plays an important role by growing new, perspective energy crops.
Type: Book chapter
Polish - Ukrainian Cooperation
Scientific Monograph Vol. II

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