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Title: Study of pathology morphological changes in babesios of carnivores.
Authors: Lishchuk, S. G.,
Kovalova, O. M.,
Dobrovolsky, V. A.
Issue Date: 2024
Citation: Lishchuk S. G., Kovalova O. M., Dobrovolsky V. A. Study of pathology morphological changes in babesios of carnivores. Актуальні питання ветеринарної медицини: реалії та перспективи: збірник тез доповідей Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. науковців, викладачів та аспірантів, 22 травня 2024 р.; Держ. біотехнологічний ун-т. Харків, 2024. С. 32-34
Keywords: babesios, carnivores, morphology.
Abstract: Recently, there has been a trend of growth of blood-parasitic diseases among small non-productive animals, as well as expansion of the range of the vector, intermediate hosts and the causative agents of parasitic diseases. At the same time, not only carnivores can serve as a reservoir of the causative agent, but also tick populations themselves, in which the causative agent is stored due to transavarial and transfaral transmission. The share of such animals among homeless dogs and cats is especially high. Many scientists are engaged in the study of babesiosis, examining various aspects of this disease in different forms of the clinical course. However, changes in hematological indicators, in particular a significant decrease in the number of platelets in the blood, as well as hemosiderosis of the liver, have not been studied yet.
Type: Thesis
Appears in Collections:Тези конференцій

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